What Travel Items You Need In Your Suitcase
Travel season is upon us!
Or at least I feel like it is. Everyone is taking spring breaks and summer trips.
Are you going on any vacations this year? If not, you probably should. Did you know that Americans leave about 33% of their PTO unused? You know you deserve to use it! Even if it is just for a long weekend away. Check out my blog post about Midwest weekend getaways HERE
This week I am sharing with you guys the items that make the cut when I pack for vacation and my favorite travel friendly beauty products.
If you are an efficient carry-on size lady or just want to save more room for shoes in your checked bag then you need to be condensing your makeup. I love the Seint magnetic palettes to store all my tins of makeup in. What’s nice is it doesn’t all have to be Seint makeup it can be ANY tin you depot. Learn how to depot your makeup HERE
My must haves for a summer makeup look are a cream bronzer & highlighter, lashes, a gloss and a makeup eraser to take it all off!
Most brands sell an “intro” kit to their skincare regimens. This is perfect for buying all your travel size items together.
Even if you aren’t baking in the sun all day protecting your skin is so important. Which sunscreen is best for you? Check out my blog post about sunscreen HERE
Are you boujee and wearing hair extensions during your vacation? Avoid a chemical based sunscreen. The active ingredient Avobenzine creates a chemical reaction with some hair extensions and can turn them a peachy-pink color. Try picking a mineral based sunscreen instead.

Buying travel size, Is it worth it?
I’m a sucker for buying travel size items. They are just so cute but check the prices! It’s not always a better deal if you are trying to be on a budget. However, one thing I LOVE in travel size year-round is mascara. You should be throwing out your mascara at least every three months so buying travel size is perfect for that time frame.
Misc. Items
I always travel with some sort of hat; a bucket hat, baseball cap or floppy pool hat. No one wants to be styling their hair every day on VACA!
I love bringing slippers when I travel. I don’t know why but it just seems like the right thing to do. I recently scored some lime green UGG dupes from target for $5.
Whether you are doing outdoor yoga or just a lot of walking in shorts on your vacation; body chaffing is NOT fun. Let me share with you: HER body glide. You won’t regret it.
I hope this helps you pack for your next vacation! Seriously, go book your next adventure now <3