Keeping Intimacy Alive
People always say that attraction fades over time in a relationship. People always make jokes about someones life ending when they get married and make it seem like a death sentence to be in a long term relationship. I'm here to tell you that it's all true.
Yes, attraction fades over time, but I really do believe that being in a committed, long-term relationship is one of the most beautiful and rewarding things you can get out of life. Having kids can make it extremely difficult to maintain intimacy in a relationship, but I know it can be done.
Set Aside Time
Setting aside time for each other is so important. It can be as simple as making sure that when the kids go to bed you spend one on one time together with no phones. Chris and I have been playing video games together. Seriously. We have been shooting zombies together and in a weird way, I really think it's been strengthening our relationship. Maybe killing zombies is allowing us to get our frustrations out without taking it out on each other.

Start a New Hobby Together
Chris and I are both extremely adventurous, competitive people. We like pushing our physical limits and challenging each other. We started mountain biking this year and fell in love. It has given us a common interest and the opportunity to learn something new together.
Date Each Other
This might sound cheesy, but don't stop dating. Try new restaurants, go dancing, go to concerts, anything. I still get excited to dress up and go on dates with Chris. I also have an obsession with Ramen so whenever we go somewhere new I insist on finding a new ramen place to check out. Flirt with each other. Sometimes when we are in a relationship we forget to remind each other that we think the other is attractive. Don't stop reminding your partner how hot they are.
Intimacy can be sparked once again just by doing the little things. Hold hands. Actually talk and take interest in each other. It's not going to be perfect. You will fight. You will annoy each other, but if you love them they are worth every piece of dirty laundry they threw on the floor and not in the laundry basket. Now go tell your partner how much you love them.
<3 Bri